Time Out

Coach Deb is on extended medical leave and is not working with clients directly | Current Waitlist January 2026

Coach Deb’s young adult children are studying to be counsellors and health coaches, as a plan to build 2464 MHC into an integrative health and counselling practice. Bree is studying for a Diploma in Counselling with AIPC & Cooper is currently studying for a Diploma in Financial Counselling with AIPC; they both intend to obtain their IHP2 certifications so that can begin seeing clients by 2025.

For life-threatening emergencies, please contact

13 11 14 Lifeline | Australia

988 Lifeline | America

1800RESPECT | Australia

1800 55 1800 Kids Helpline | Australia

Suicide Call Back Service | Australia

Mensline Counselling Service | Australia

Deborah Dewar