RB | Recovery

Meeting Russell Brand in person at his 2020 Recovery show was really that incredibly cool & yes, you totally should be getting around to finding out more about what he is all about if you happen to be one of those folks who thought of looking him up but weren't sure about all this "therapy jargon” and what it means to be in recovery.


While he may not have been entirely on his comedic A-game the night I saw his Live show on the Gold Coast (Australia), due to his self-professed exhaustion of parenthood catching up to him, his overall charisma filled my heart for the right reasons.

Russell Brand has a very endearing charisma that has folks swarming him in the theatre aisles for hours after the show.

It is more in respect to the Man that he is, for who and what he has been through.

Russell’s life has had a lot of shit woven into it, and none of it deservingly.

And while most find that he can waffle on quite a lot - he only talks a lot because he has a significant amount to say.

I have role-modelled my sobriety on his, which I’m pretty sure is the whole purpose of his advocacy, with its virtual format streamed to the globe for all to connect with.

For me, seeing Russell was very personal and meaningful.

In the last of those cumbersome addiction days of 2017, my hands would tremble all day long with the painful reminder of the binging episode from the night before.

I started to watch various YouTube videos that were ironically popping up in my social media news feed.

They were stories of the new sober life a person really can achieve & it was the celebrities and life coaches alike were beginning to advocate and share so loudly in the fight against the addiction pandemic.

My lived experience can assure you, with some years into sobriety, that they were vital bits of information I was subconsciously gaining. Imprinting for use when I was ready to surrender & say I was a fuked up, a severe alcoholic with one litre+ Vodka a day habit.

I was dying, and I needed a guiding light… well, I needed many…. in fact, We all do.

Russell was one of those flickering guiding lights on my social media feeds & his book Recovery is a vital bit of an addiction survival tool kit that has saved my life.

Both his Recovery and Mentors books are now in my sober coaches toolbox & the Audible version is always playing in my ears whenever I need an RB comedic voice shot to the brain.

Reading or listening to Russell Brand | Recovery is similar to attending a recovery meeting - it comprises listening to a sober mentor talk and share, which is something every human in recovery will tell you; it is vital to the success of our recovery journeys - connection.

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Deborah Dewar