Coach Recommends

As part of my recovery and healing journey, I take part in many forms of mental health education & online therapy daily.

When I was in the early days of addiction recovery, one of the fundamental elements that I took away from my time as a patient at a private mental health rehab clinic was that it was critical for my recovery that I keep up with the education and therapy that was woven into my everyday routine. Now, 5 years into my sobriety journey, mental health education (psychoeducation is what makes up most mental health professional certifications) has become a part of my everyday life & because of that, I can maintain my sobriety successfully whilst repairing and retraining my brain to work in healthier ways. Gaining a career while doing it creates a sense of achievement that maintains my drive for sobriety.

Physical health and pharmacology education has become a significant factor in my healing process, as modern-day science is producing evidence to show that significant long-term mental health disorders often morph into physical manifestations of ill health. Turning it into a professional line of work for myself is a passion derived from my sobriety and desire to help others in similar situations.

For life-threatening concerns OR IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO URGENTLY please reach out to

Deborah Dewar